Dustin Watten

Dustin Watten


The Volleyball World Cup gold medallist Dustin Watten is a plant-based advocate who has strengthened his game with a dietary transition. After reading Rich Roll’s, Finding Ultrahe vowed to stop eating meat. 

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We were lucky enough to ask this inspirational star some questions on his skills, diet and story to date.

“I’m a big believer of prepping and not having to rely and hoping on others to provide you with what you need.”


How long have you been vegan for and what made you choose this lifestyle?


I’ve been vegan for a little over 4 years now, I decided to give up meat after reading the book ‘Finding Ultra’ by Rich Roll.

Before my 1st season in France I made a run to the book store a day before my flight and quickly gathered 5 books in the sport’s section as I didn’t have too much time in the store, I grabbed Rich’s book thinking it was a motivational book.

On the 12 hour flight I quickly tossed away the first 4 books and began reading ‘Finding Ultra’ where I found a lot of commonalities between him and myself and kept on reading. I finished the book 30 minutes before the plane landed and realized that I was going to give up meat for 2 months and to see how I felt and to see if a plant based diet could aid in my energy and recovery.


What’s the funniest thing someone has asked you regarding your vegan diet?


My first season in France, there was so much confusion and misinformation about a vegan diet, especially with our management who would help prepare the food while we were traveling. Each time on the road trip I would be faced with a question about if I ate eggs, pork, chicken, fish and creme. This lasted 5 months! Most of the time, I was given a plate of egg pasta with buttered green beans which lead me to start preparing and packing my own food, it took me awhile but I learned to have a sense of humour about it.

Do you take any supplements?


I take B12, creatine and I use a magnesium spray at night to promote better sleep.

What’s your day-to-day nutrition plan look like and do you have ‘cheat’ foods?


Morning : apple cider vinegar tea upon waking up

Breakfast: banana, date, kale, chia seed, maca, cinnamon, goji berry, oatmeal smoothie
Breakfast: kale, cucumber juice with coconut water (4/7 days out of the week)
Breakfast: cup of coffee, with a raw frozen coffee snack (1 part dates, 1/2 part nuts, 1/4 oatmeal 3 tbs date syrup)
Post lifting: half of the big smoothie batch I made in the morning with added hemp seeds and Sprout Living protein.
Lunch: Nice cream (blueberries, bananas, dates) + chia seeds, hemp seeds, cacao needs, oatmeal, coconut flakes
Post Evening practice: handful of mix nuts and dried berries
Dinner: Brown/Black rice, lentils, sweet potato, potatoes, spinach, pumpkin seeds

Cheat foods: Currently in Poland, I’ll grab a vegan burger on a Sunday with my American teammate. Back home my go-to is Thai food.

What type of training and techniques could somebody implement to better their game?


I always push my followers to play doubles beach. It’s a great way to enjoy the hard work that is necessary for improvement, you are forced to use all the skills in volleyball with only 2 people on the court and it forces you to learn how to lose the right way. (finding solutions, instead of focusing on the problems)


What would you tell someone who is looking to make the transition to a plant based diet?

Start your day with a green smoothie. It can be as simple as bananas, spinach and dates,

For those that are already vegan, is there any obscure foods or advice you’d give them?


I’m a big believer of prepping and not having to rely and hoping on others to provide you with what you need. I never leave home without 1-2 40oz smoothie containers full to the top. It’s delicious, it’s perfect to crush down in the 30-40 minute recovery window and it’s easy on my body and digestion so I can be ready to get back on the court.

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Connect with Dustin Watten

Wikipedia- Dustin Watten

Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/dustin.watten

Twitter- @DustinWatten

Instagram- @DustinWatten


Daniel Treasure

Thank you for reading, I appreciate the support. I'm a keen writer that's enthusiastic about helping others understand the importance of physical and mental well-being. Although I graduated in journalism, staying fit and healthy is my main passion.

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