How to Easily Exercise on Holiday

Don’t lose your momentum, follow these simple tips to exercise on holiday. I list five ways you can easily incorporate fitness without having it takeover your break.

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Beach Exercise

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I was walking down the beach one morning whilst holidaying in Thailand wondering what to do for exercise on that day. Considering that I have been personal training for almost six years it was not that hard, I quickly put together my next few days of training and jotted it down on a piece of paper. However, for some people it would not be that easy. You have worked your ass off with eating healthier and training hard to go on holiday and let it all go? Surely no one wants that. Yes, your holiday is there for you to relax but don’t let all the hard work you have put in go to waste. Remember all you need is 30 minutes to an hour out of your day to get a great workout.  Now anyone can get off their Sun Lounger or put down the beer to make themselves feel better. You can be limited to certain types of equipment or facilities depending on where you are going on holiday. Don’t let this put you off. I am going to give you five tips on how to train on holiday so you don’t have to let all your hard work go to waste. Some of the ideas might not be what you have been doing recently but something is better than doing nothing.  Also it is good to change up your training routine every now and then anyway so it might be a blessing in disguise.

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Walking  [spacer height=”20px”]

This might be an obvious one. However, it does not mean just your casual walk around the shops and bars. Set an amount of time and dedicate that time for a walk. I found that first thing in the morning before breakfast was a good time. I would walk down the beach for 40 minutes before doing anything else. Then I know that I have done some exercise for the day.

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Find a Gym

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If you have a training programme that you might be following why stop it just because your going on holiday. Carry it on whilst your away. Get researching before you go so you know what you’re dealing with. That way you can ask hotel staff where it is and pick up where you left off with your training. (Hopefully it’s not leg day your first day there, otherwise the locals might think you’re in to some funky things).

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Bodyweight Workouts

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The beauty of your bodyweight is that you can use it where ever you are. So even if you are trekking in the middle of nowhere you can still get a workout in. They are so versatile aswell as beginners to advanced people can do them by just adjusting the times and rest that they have. I will give you an example of a bodyweight workout that you can try either when you are on holiday or just for a workout.

  • Burpees
  • Push Ups
  • Squats
  • Sit Ups
  • Tuck Jumps
  • Lunges [spacer height=”20px”]

This is designed to give you a full body workout and can be altered to the individual depending on your conditioning level. For a beginner I would recommend doing each exercise for 30 seconds straight through in circuit format with a minute rest in between circuits until you have done 4 full rounds. For the more advanced individual I would recommend doing each exercise for 1 minute with 30 seconds rest in between circuits until you have done 8 rounds. Remember you can adjust these timings ect depending on your level but neither sound like much fun.

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Sunset Yoga

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 I have been doing yoga for about 5 months now and I’m absolutely loving it. I think everyone should add it into their training routine. Makes you feel so refreshed and energised. Yoga studios are popping up all over the place. You are probably thinking why would there be a yoga studio in holiday destinations. This is what I thought when I was going to Thailand. However, there was about three yoga studios within a few miles. So just like the gym get researching before you go so you know the name of the place ect. If you have never tried yoga before then why not start it whilst your on holiday. I was going to a sunset hatha yoga class and it was amazing just relaxing and stretching whilst watching the sun go down.

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Interval Training

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This is a great form of training to follow whilst your away as it is quick and intense. You can have your workout done within 10 – 20 minute or even less if the intensity is really high. You can do Interval training with most styles of training. For those who are familiar with interval training, great, you will know how exhausting it is. For those that don’t then it is basically exercise consisting of alternating periods of high and low intensity activity. The two exercises I picked for interval training whilst on holiday was swimming and sprints on the beach. Swimming is ideal as unless you are trekking for your holiday then the majority of places will have a pool. I find a challenging workout that is short and intense is one length front crawl as fast as possible and one length breastfeeding stroke for your recovery. Repeat this ten times. Another that I am a huge fan of that I regularly do at home myself and with my clients is sprints. However, this time I had the pleasure of doing it on a beach in Thailand instead of a pavement full of chewing gum. Best thing to do with these is set a distance that you are going to cover then sprint as fast as you can to one side and jog or walk back for your recovery. Again repeat ten times or more if you are brave or stupid. Both enjoyable especially when you are on holiday doing it on a beach.

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I am confident that everyone will be able to do at least three of these tips whilst on holiday.  Don’t let all your hard work go to waste. It is only a short time out of your day. Have a great holiday but stay motivated!

By Ant

Ant Author

Daniel Treasure

Thank you for reading, I appreciate the support. I'm a keen writer that's enthusiastic about helping others understand the importance of physical and mental well-being. Although I graduated in journalism, staying fit and healthy is my main passion.

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