Spirulina’s Health Benefits

Spirulina is a nutrient dense algae that we have consumed for centuries. There are many benefits that have been found in this ocean wonder. This blue or green algae contains numerous advantages and is a great addition to your diet.

Spirulina Benefits[spacer height=”20px”]

Who can use Spirulina?[spacer height=”20px”]

 Everybody. But obviously some people will have more reason to capitalise on this superfood than others. Many people know about Spirulina for having beneficial effects for those with:


  • High Cholesterol
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Lack of Energy
  • ADHD


Why should I take Spirulina?[spacer height=”20px”]

It seems kind of obvious? It has vitamins and minerals our body needs and can help those adverse conditions above. But to be more specific you can gain hugely with this algae.

  • Improves energy and may help muscle strength as it helps your recovery
  • You can get copper, different vitamins and Iron from this superfood.
  • The active component, Phycocyanin makes spirulina a great antioxidant
  • It can lower LDL Cholesterol and up our good cholesterol (HDL).
  • Reduces blood pressure.
  • A fantastic detox against metals in your body such as aluminium ect.
  • Helps abolish allergies.
  • Helps blood sugar
  • Eliminates candida
  • Helps prevent cancer
  • Lowers chance of a stroke
  • Can help cure sinus issues


How do I take it?[spacer height=”20px”]

Many people use spirulina in powder form. You can mix it into a smoothie but sometimes you may complain that it’s overpowering your favourite smoothie. If that’s the case you may want the tablets, usually you take around six tablets twice a day (be sure to check instructions from your Spirulina provider). If you do wish to take the tablets then find out how they were made, try to get them as organic and natural as possible. You may also find a variety of contraptions as this amazing food’s reputation grows. You will often find bars and energy balls that now contain this favourite algae.

Spirulina Tablets[spacer height=”20px”]


Where do I get it from?[spacer height=”20px”]

 Take a look in your trusty health shops. Many people purchase their batch of powder at Holland & Barrett whilst we prefer the Seven Hills organic tablets or powder. Another popular brand is Naturya. We are not affiliated to any of these companies and shops but we are merely suggesting for those that may not know where to start looking. You can also check local shops for some of the bars too.


Daniel Treasure

Thank you for reading, I appreciate the support. I'm a keen writer that's enthusiastic about helping others understand the importance of physical and mental well-being. Although I graduated in journalism, staying fit and healthy is my main passion.

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